Saturday, September 26, 2015

new decoration (from old ideas--)

pepper platter, peppers:  September, 2015
I recently visited our friends, Robert, and RenĂ©e, who have a beautiful garden!  Just before I left, Robert picked some of their hot peppers for me---and I took them home to the studio (the kitchen will be next)!  The peppers' bright colors and shapes reminded me that I had done peppers about 15 (was it that long?) years ago, and it was time to revisit the idea.  I still had a square pepper plate hanging on the wall, so I took a close look at it---wax on the pepper form before the color, shadows under the peppers.  And to this I added the use of current ideas:  a new form I have been working with (the long oval, which was the shape of the landscape platter), a higher temperature for the glaze (cone 3), a pale purple for some of the shadows, especially under the yellows and oranges, and a more complex glaze recipe.  Here are some pictures of the peppers, and of the pepper platter!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

only two fairs, this summer!

Time for a break!   I will only do two fairs, this summer, and the first is fast approaching!  It is the Crosby Gardens Festival, at the Toledo Botanical Gardens, in Toledo, Ohio, and is held on the final weekend in June.  The garden grounds are a beautiful setting, and the artists and visitors, alike, are treated with respect and inspiration!  Hours, on Friday, are from 6 til 9 for the artists, and 6 to 10 for those who have purchased the $75 entrance ticket.  On Saturday, the hours are from 10 until 7, and on Sunday, 10 until 4.  Visit the Garden's website for more information on entrance fees, parking, shuttles from parking, and handicap service.  or